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evenkiel / recursive-delete.ps1
Created June 25, 2012 23:53
Powershell function to recursively delete a folder and all of its child folders and files
# Given a root directory, perform a depth first recursive delete of all subdirectories and files.
# Necessary b/c for some reason powershell won't always succeed in a recursive delete of folders which contain
# subfolders
function RecursiveDelete($theroot) {
$children = Get-ChildItem -Path $theroot | where-object { $_.Attributes -eq "Directory"} |% {$_.FullName}
foreach($achild in $children) {
if ($achild -ne $null) {
RecursiveDelete $achild
masklinn /
Last active June 3, 2024 12:02
launchctl/launchd cheat sheet

I've never had great understanding of launchctl but the deprecation of the old commands with launchctl 2 (10.10) has been terrible as all resources only cover the old commands, and documentation for Apple utilities is generally disgracefully bad, with launchctl not dissembling.

Mad props to which contains most details


Internally, launchd has several domains, but launchctl 1 would only ask for service names,

staslysak /
Created September 17, 2019 21:31 — forked from zmts/
Про токены, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), аутентификацию и авторизацию. Token-Based Authentication

Про токены, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), аутентификацию и авторизацию. Token-Based Authentication


Аутентификация(authentication, от греч. αὐθεντικός [authentikos] – реальный, подлинный; от αὐθέντης [authentes] – автор) - это процесс проверки учётных данных пользователя (логин/пароль). Проверка подлинности пользователя путём сравнения введённого им логина/пароля с данными сохранёнными в базе данных.

Авторизация(authorization — разрешение, уполномочивание) - это проверка прав пользователя на доступ к определенным ресурсам.

Например после аутентификации юзер sasha получает право обращатся и получать от ресурса "" некие данные. Во время обращения юзера sasha к ресурсу vip система авторизации проверит имеет ли право юзер обращатся к этому ресурсу (проще говоря переходить по неким разрешенным ссылкам)

ryzmann / Programma Python Moto
Created June 3, 2024 11:58
Programma Python Moto Armonico
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg,NavigationToolbar2Tk
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import math
import numpy as np
import random
class MyGui:
clydebarrow / .gitignore
Last active June 3, 2024 12:01
LVGL watch face in ESPHome yaml
# Gitignore settings for ESPHome
# This is an example and may include too much for your use-case.
# You can modify this file to suit your needs.
Log1x /
Last active June 3, 2024 12:00
Debloating & Optimizing Nox

Debloating Nox

Nox, despite being the most feature-filled Android emulator, has a lot of negativity surrounding it due to their antics when it comes to making income off of their program. It is known for running repeated advertisments in the background, calling home and passing along system information (outside of your Android instance) as well as a vast amount of potentially sensitive data in an encrypted payload back to their multitude of servers. With the following preventitive measures, we can stop a majority of this happening as well as greatly improve the overall performance.

  1. Download and Install a fresh copy of Nox. The latest version is fine (for now). If you already have it installed, that is fine too. No need to reinstall.

  2. Enable Root Mode on Nox by clicking the gear icon and then checking the Root Startup box.

  3. Install a new Launcher from the Play Store. ANYTHING but Nox's default. I suggest [Nova Launcher](

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mohamednasser90 / gist:c2844a98d5fe615459f15d76a4142a73
Created June 11, 2020 07:14 — forked from john718hp/gist:ce1e01db629c6e7a184a6753c639934b
Microsoft office professional Plus 2016 product key
Microsoft office professional Plus 2016 product key | |
rjescobar / extend-trial-jetbrains-windows.bat
Created August 31, 2021 02:53
JetBrains IDE trial reset windows
REM Delete eval folder with licence key and options.xml which contains a reference to it
for %%I in ("WebStorm", "IntelliJ", "CLion", "Rider", "GoLand", "PhpStorm", "Resharper", "PyCharm") do (
for /d %%a in ("%USERPROFILE%\.%%I*") do (
rd /s /q "%%a/config/eval"
del /q "%%a\config\options\other.xml"
REM Delete registry key and jetbrains folder (not sure if needet but however)
rmdir /s /q "%APPDATA%\JetBrains"
seignovert /
Created February 21, 2019 20:02
Setup Zenodo DOI badge before the first release

Setup Zenodo DOI badge before the first release

Zenodo doi badge

Before submitting your first release, identify your Github repo id on Github API at:{user}/{repo}