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Klerith / basic.html
Last active May 9, 2024 15:33
Páginas que usaremos en la sección de Formularios Reactivos
<h2>Reactivos: Básicos</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<form autocomplete="off">
<!-- Campo de producto -->
<div class="mb-3 row">
-export([compress_ecdsa_publickey/1, test/0]).
compress_ecdsa_publickey(UncompressedPublicKey) ->
%% To binary
UncompressedPublicKeyBin = binary:decode_hex(list_to_binary(UncompressedPublicKey)),
%% Check that the uncompressed public key is valid
case size(UncompressedPublicKeyBin) of
65 ->
%% Remove the prefix (first byte) from the public key
leoherzog /
Created September 25, 2020 18:57
Google Drive Photocopier - Make lots of copies of a file in Drive
// (copy this into a new Apps Script project -
// Hello!
// To make lots of copies of a thing in Google Drive,
// put the ID or URL of the Google Drive file here:
var fileToCopy = "";
// Quotes are important! Example:
// var fileToCopy = "";
leoherzog /
Last active May 9, 2024 15:33
Google Drive Folder Change Notifier
* This script checks a Google Drive folder for any new files and/or folders added to it, and emails you if there are changes!
* To get started:
* 1. Go to and log in as the user that you want to do the automated "checking".
* 2. Click "New Project".
* 3. Rename the project at the top from "Untitled project" to something else (ex. "Folder Change Notifier") and copy/paste this code over the default "myFunction" stuff that's currently there.
* 4. Add the folder IDs to the "foldersToCheck" array on line 16 below, in quotes, comma-separated. It should look something like:
* const foldersToCheck = ["1J5d673365fd944334be51d4163cd8294d", "1c5d63119b730c8224a218222e5faedcad"];
* 5. Add the email address that you want to notify for when there's changes on line 18 below. It should look something like:
* const emailToNotify = "";
roxygen / readme.txt
Created October 7, 2015 09:12
arc_conv usage instruction by w8m.
Руководство по использованию:
[spoiler]При запуске без параметров программа будет показывать диалог открытия файла, если выбранный файл является архивом который поддерживается, то его содержимое будет распаковано в rar архив без сжатия. Графические (и некоторые другие) файлы найденные в архиве будут преобразованы в более удобный формат для просмотра (tga).
В процессе распаковки архива показывается окошко в котором видно текущий прогресс, распаковку можно остановить если нажать Ctrl-C или Alt-F4 когда окно в фокусе.
Для открытия некоторых архивов нужно обязательное указание типа архива и/или иных опций в командной строке.
Основные опции:
Все опции имеют один параметр, если он содержит знак пробела, то его нужно заключать в двойные кавычки.
(--out, -o) задание формата вывода: dir - распаковка файлов в директорию (по умолчанию c 46 релиза), rar - rar без сжатия, tar и utar - tar контейнер в shift-jis или utf-8 кодировке для имен файлов.
(--fmt, -f) указание типа архива или имени модуля.
(--conv, -с) управление к
leoherzog /
Created August 9, 2021 19:58
Google Shared Drive Viewers Automator
* @OnlyCurrentDoc
* 1. Create a new Google Sheet ( and remove all but one column
* 2. Add all of the email addresses in Column A that you'd like to have as viewers on the Shared Drive
* 3. Click Tools → Script Editor and copy/paste all of this code into the editor
* 4. Edit the Shared Drive ID on line 10 ({Shared Drive ID})
* 5. Click "▷ Run" in the top toolbar, allow authorization, and you're done!
const sharedDriveId = '0AAt_DfuXH73UUA9dVp';
apisandipas /
Last active May 9, 2024 15:31 — forked from chrisjlee/drupal-views-share-global-text-field
Share url's for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin with just get variables

Creating share buttons with just URL's




leoherzog /
Last active May 9, 2024 15:31
Google Drive Folder ID Finder
* This script creates a simple web app where the visitor can select a Google Drive folder with the Google Picker and it will tell you the ID of the folder, since that's now hard to find in the Google Drive web app or Folder URL.
* To get started:
* 1. Go to and log in as the user that you want to host this published web app.
* 2. Click "New Project".
* 3. Rename the project at the top from "Untitled project" to something else (ex. "Folder ID Finder")
* 4. Copy/paste this code over the default "myFunction" starter code that's currently there
* 5. Click the ➕ next to "Files" in the sidebar, add an "HTML" file, name it "index" (.html is added by Apps Script), and paste the `index.html` code below over the starter code in that file.
* 6. Click "Deploy ▼" → "New Deployment". In the "Select Type" ⚙️ gear, choose "Web App". Change "Execute as" to "User accessing the web app" and "Who has access" to "Anyone with a Google Account". Click "Deploy".
* You're done! The long "Web app" URL c
leoherzog /
Created March 18, 2022 17:33
Find emails in your Google Directory for names in a Google Sheet
* This is a script to look through column x for names,
* search your directory for email addresses for that name,
* and print them into column y.
* To get started:
* 1. Open an existing Google Sheet or create a new one ( and give it a name.
* 2. Click Extensions Apps Script and give that new Apps Script project a name (e.g. "Lookup Email from Name").
* 3. Paste all of this code into that project.
* 4. Specify if it has a header row on line 19 of the code (true or false), as well as the name and email column letters on lines 20 and 21.
leoherzog /
Last active May 9, 2024 15:31
Gather All Google Drive Files of a Certain Type and Change Owner
const newOwner = '';
const fileTypesToTransfer = ['application/']; //
function changeOwnership() {
console.log('Gathering all files in Drive of type ' + fileTypesToTransfer.join(',') + '...');
let fileIterator = DriveApp.searchFiles( => 'mimeType = "' + x + '"').join(' or '));
let files = [];
while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {