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scyto /
Last active May 10, 2024 20:15
proxmox cluster proof of concept

ProxMox Cluster - Soup-to-Nutz

aka what i did to get from nothing to done.

note: these are designed to be primarily a re-install guide for myself (writing things down helps me memorize the knowledge), as such don't take any of this on blind faith - some areas are well tested and the docs are very robust, some items, less so). YMMV

Purpose of Proxmox cluster project

Required Outomces of cluster project

Hyper-converged High Available Homelab with Proxmox

This is me documenting my journey moving my Homelab from a Qnap NAS and a Single host Proxmox server to a Hyper-converged multi-node Proxmox Cluster.

The reason to document it here is twofold:

  1. Information often it scattered 'all over the place', but never 100% applicable to the setup I have.
  2. To remember 'what the fuck' did I do some months ago.
  3. Writing it for 'a public' forces me to think it all through again and make sure it's correct.

It's written 'first to scratch my own itch' but hopefully it benefits others too, or even better, that others improve upon my implementations. Feel free to comment or share improvements and insights!

PrateekKumarSingh / Get-MP3MetaData.ps1
Last active May 10, 2024 20:14
Get MetaData from a .MP3 or .MP4 file
Function Get-MP3MetaData
[String] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Directory
fphilipe /
Last active May 10, 2024 20:12
Badiwassertemperaturen und -öffnungszeiten

Badiwassertemperaturen und -öffnungszeiten

A simple one-liner that results in this:

|  Badi                         | Wassertemp. | Öffnungszeit            |
|  Flussbad Au-Höngg            | 17          | geschlossen             |
|  Flussbad Oberer Letten       | 16          | geschlossen             |

Security Guide for Discord Bots using

Discord bots, just like web servers, deal with untrusted data. Most of those bots implement interactive commands, which makes the attack surface significantly larger. This guide is to improve security of Discord bots.

Security is usually represented by the three elements of CIA (not related to the agency) - Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

  • Confidentiality: Protecting your secrets (and others' secrets) from attackers. "Secrets" include your bot token, message contents and other PII, files stored on your computer and other private data.
  • Integrity: Protecting your data from manipulation by attackers. "Manipulation" can vary from compromising the host computer to improper permissions/roles assignment or data spoofing/tampering (e.g. cheating in a chess game to obtain points).
  • Availability: Protecting your bot from crashes or similar situations. Examples include infinite loop, blocking codes and error handling issues.

Here are some tips to im

ayubmalik / gpg-encrypt.go
Last active May 10, 2024 20:08
Golang encrypt file using GPG openpgp. Use standard go libs.
package main
Example hack to encrypt a file using a GPG encryption key. Works with GPG v2.x.
The encrypted file e.g. /tmp/data.txt.gpg can then be decrypted using the standard command
gpg /tmp/data.txt.gpg
Assumes you have **created** an encryption key and exported armored version.
You have to read the armored key directly as Go cannot read pubring.kbx (yet).
andrebrait /
Last active May 10, 2024 20:07
Keychron keyboards on Linux + Bluetooth fixes

Here is the best setup (I think so :D) for K-series Keychron keyboards on Linux.

Note: many newer Keychron keyboards use QMK as firmware and most tips here do not apply to them. Maybe the ones related to Bluetooth can be useful, but everything related to Apple's keyboard module (hid_apple) on Linux, won't work. As far as I know, all QMK-based boards use the hid_generic module instead. Examples of QMK-based boards are: Q, Q-Pro, V, K-Pro, etc.

Most of these commands have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and should also work on most Debian-based distributions. If a command happens not to work for you, take a look in the comment section.

Make Fn + F-keys work (NOT FOR QMK-BASED BOARDS)

Older Keychron keyboards (those not based on QMK) use the hid_apple driver on Linux, even in the Windows/Android mode, both in Bluetooth and Wired modes.

mokoshalb / Office_kms
Created July 4, 2019 05:36 — forked from CHEF-KOCH/KMS_office.cmd
KMS server Windows
cd\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16
cd\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16
cscript OSPP.VBS /
cscript OSPP.VBS /actcscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus
slmgr.vbs /ckms

JavaScript Interview Questions

Q1: Explain equality in JavaScript ☆

Answer: JavaScript has both strict and type–converting comparisons:

  • Strict comparison (e.g., ===) checks for value equality without allowing coercion
  • Abstract comparison (e.g. ==) checks for value equality with coercion allowed