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mignonstyle /
Last active May 6, 2024 16:19
Markdown記法 チートシート

Block Elements ## Headers 見出し 先頭に#をレベルの数だけ記述します。 ```





## 見出し2
### 見出し3
#### 見出し4
##### 見出し5
###### 見出し6 ## Block 段落 空白行を挟むことで段落となります。 ```
``` 段落1 段落2 ## Br 改行 改行の前に半角スペース` `を2つ記述します。 ```
``` hoge
fuga piyo ## Blockquotes 引用 先頭に`>`を記述します。ネストは`>`を多重に記述します。 ```
> 引用 > 引用
>> 多重引用
``` > 引用 > 引用
>> 多重引用 ## Code コード `` `バッククオート` `` 3つ、あるいはダッシュ`~`3つで囲みます。 ```
print 'hoge'
``` ```
print 'hoge'
``` ### インラインコード `` `バッククオート` `` で単語を囲むとインラインコードになります。 ```
これは `インラインコード`です。
``` これは `インラインコード`です。 ## pre 整形済みテキスト 半角スペース4個もしくはタブで、コードブロックをpre表示できます ``` class Hoge def hoge print 'hoge' end end
``` class Hoge def hoge print 'hoge' end end ## Hr 水平線 アンダースコア`_` 、アスタリスク`*`、ハイフン`-`などを3つ以上連続して記述します。 ```
``` hoge
--- # Lists ## Ul 箇条書きリスト ハイフン`-`、プラス`+`、アスタリスク`*`のいずれかを先頭に記
jakub-g /
Last active May 6, 2024 16:18
async scripts, defer scripts, module scripts: explainer, comparison, and gotchas

<script> async, defer, async defer, module, nomodule, src, inline - the cheat sheet

With the addition of ES modules, there's now no fewer than 24 ways to load your JS code: (inline|not inline) x (defer|no defer) x (async|no async) x (type=text/javascript | type=module | nomodule) -- and each of them is subtly different.

This document is a comparison of various ways the <script> tags in HTML are processed depending on the attributes set.

If you ever wondered when to use inline <script async type="module"> and when <script nomodule defer src="...">, you're in the good place!

Note that this article is about <script>s inserted in the HTML; the behavior of <script>s inserted at runtime is slightly different - see Deep dive into the murky waters of script loading by Jake Archibald (2013)


During my daily work, I need to resolve server/domains against several different nameservers based upon network connections. Normally Network Manager and the system handles this quite well based upon the DNS provided by the dhcp on the connection.

However, I have some unique cases where I need to use multiple name servers on a single connection for a single connection. This is not normally something to worry about because dns forwards to other name servers, if configured to, until a response is returned.

vdegenne /
Last active May 6, 2024 16:17
Install Chrome OS on a System

Install Chrome OS on a System (usb or dual boot)

  1. Make sure you have wget, curl, dpkg, tar, cgpt and pv installed on your system (use yay -S vboot-utils to install cgpt on arch).

  2. Download brunch

    1. Run bash (script from and select "2) Compatibility Check". Note the codename (e.g. Rammus) then download the latest brunch release (the archive is saved in Downloads directory !)

    2. If it didn't work, download the latest release from and save it in Downloads directory (no need to extract the archive).

gtx28 / Pimox7to8.txt
Last active May 6, 2024 16:17
Pimox7 to PVE8 upgrade
***Pi-Mox setup on raspberry pi 4b (cm4 you will need add the appropriate steps for your hw setup)
***None of this is "Prod" ready so use at your own risk, your VM's/Containers are your own responsibility. You should already have adequate backups etc.
***Raspberry PI OS setup
Install raspbian x64 lite on raspberry pi
pull the latest copy of Raspberry PI OS x64 lite based on debian 11 bullseye from here:
open imager, click choose os, scroll to the bottom and select custom. open the image "2023-05-03-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite.img.xz"
devinschumacher /
Last active May 6, 2024 16:16
Cloud GPUs // The Best Servers, Services & Providers [RANKED!]

Cloud GPUs: Servers, Providers & Everything You Would Ever Need

Your company's GPU computing strategy is essential whether you engage in 3D visualization, machine learning, AI, or any other form of intensive computing.

There was a time when businesses had to wait for long periods of time while deep learning models were being trained and processed. Because it was time-consuming, costly, and created space and organization problems, it reduced their output.

This problem has been resolved in the most recent GPU designs. Because of their high parallel processing efficiency, they are well-suited for handling large calculations and speeding up the training of your AI models.

When it comes to deep learning, GPUs can speed up the training of neural networks by a factor of 250 compared to CPUs, and the latest generation of cloud GPUs is reshaping data science and other emerging technologies by delivering even greater performance at a lower cost and with the added benefits of easy scalability and rapid deployment.

aamiaa /
Last active May 6, 2024 16:16
Complete Recent Discord Quest

Complete Recent Discord Quest


This no longer works in browser!


This no longer works if you're alone in vc! Somebody else has to join you!

How to use this script:

  1. Accept the quest under User Settings -> Gift Inventory
katemonkeys / gist:e17580777b57915f5068
Last active May 6, 2024 16:16
Everything Wrong With The Withings API

Top Six Things You Need To Know About The Withings API*

*where “you” is probably a developer, or at least a strange user

I should preface this by saying that I got a Withings Smart Body Analyzer for Christmas last year and I’ve been generally happy with it. It purports to be able to take my heart rate through my bare feet and that seems not to work for my physiology, but overall I’m a fan. If if their Wikipedia page is to be believed they are having a pretty rad impact on making the Quantified Self movement more for normal people and they only have 20 full time employees. Also they try hard to use SI units, which I can get behind. Anyway, on to the rant.

I originally called this post “Everything wrong with the Withings API” and I meant it. For every useful field I can extract from their “award winning” app, I have spent an hour screaming at the inconsistencies in their implementation or inexplicable holes in their data

;; Auto-scrolling ==============================================================
(defn scroll! [el start end time]
(.play (goog.fx.dom.Scroll. el (clj->js start) (clj->js end) time)))
(defn scrolled-to-end? [el tolerance]
;; at-end?: element.scrollHeight - element.scrollTop === element.clientHeight
(> tolerance (- (.-scrollHeight el) (.-scrollTop el) (.-clientHeight el))))
(defn autoscroll-list [{:keys [children class scroll?] :as opts}]
nberger / reagent_infinite_scroll.cljs
Last active May 6, 2024 16:15
Reagent infinite scroll
(ns views.infinite-scroll
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn- get-scroll-top []
(if (exists? (.-pageYOffset js/window))
(.-pageYOffset js/window)
(.-scrollTop (or (.-documentElement js/document)
(.-parentNode (.-body js/document))
(.-body js/document)))))