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bradtraversy /
Created April 22, 2022 01:16
Laravel Xampp setup on Mac and Windows

Laravel Xampp Setup (Windows & Mac)

Install Xampp

Install Xampp from

  • Run the Xampp installer and open the Xampp control panel
  • Make sure that you enable the Apache and MySQL services
  • On mac you need to click "Start" on the Home tab, "Enable" on the Network tab and "Mount" on the Location Tab. Click "Explore" on the location tab to open your Xampp/Lampp folder

Install Composer

RubenSomsen /
Last active May 22, 2024 01:00
Silent Payments – Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead

Silent Payments

Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead.

Update: This now has a BIP and WIP implementation


The recipient generates a so-called silent payment address and makes it publicly known. The sender then takes a public key from one of their chosen inputs for the payment, and uses it to derive a shared secret that is then used to tweak the silent payment address. The recipient detects the payment by scanning every transaction in the blockchain.

FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

Last active May 22, 2024 00:58
Minimize allocations in Go

📂 Minimize allocations in Go

A collection of tips for when you need to minimize the number of allocations in your Go programs.

Use the go profiler to identify which parts of your program are responsible for most allocations.

⚠️ Never apply these tricks blindly (i.e. without measuring the actual performance benefit/impact). Most of these tricks cause a tradeoff between reducing memory allocations and other aspects (including e.g. higher peak memory usage, higher CPU usage, lower maintainability, higher probability of introducing subtle bugs). Only apply these tricks if the tradeoff in every specfic case is globally positive.


funyin / app_expansion_panel.dart
Created June 13, 2022 22:03
A fix for flutters expansion panel list. Removed header icon and gap between selected panels
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
const double _kPanelHeaderCollapsedHeight = kMinInteractiveDimension;
const EdgeInsets _kPanelHeaderExpandedDefaultPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(
vertical: 64.0 - _kPanelHeaderCollapsedHeight,
class _SaltedKey<S, V> extends LocalKey {
const _SaltedKey(this.salt, this.value);
boatbomber / release.luau
Last active May 22, 2024 00:52
Release workflow using Lune
release.luau - A Lune script for publishing Roblox games
MPL 2.0 License
(c) 2024, Zack Ovits
usage: lune run release
-- Lune libraries
local stdio = require("@lune/stdio")
pyrou / docker-compose.yml
Last active May 22, 2024 00:48
Use SSL certificates for local HTTPS without having to touch your /etc/hosts or your certificate CA.
version: '3'
restart: unless-stopped
image: traefik:v2.0.2
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- ""
madd0 / kusto-null-bins
Created April 21, 2020 13:45
Add "empty" bins to a kusto query
let Start=startofday(ago(2d));
let Stop=startofday(ago(1d));
| where timestamp >= Start and timestamp < Stop
| summarize Count=count() by bin(timestamp, 1h)
| union (
range x from 1 to 1 step 1
| mv-expand timestamp=range(Start, Stop, 1h) to typeof(datetime)
| extend Count = 0
mignonstyle /
Last active May 22, 2024 00:44
Markdown記法 チートシート

Block Elements ## Headers 見出し 先頭に#をレベルの数だけ記述します。 ```





## 見出し2
### 見出し3
#### 見出し4
##### 見出し5
###### 見出し6 ## Block 段落 空白行を挟むことで段落となります。 ```
``` 段落1 段落2 ## Br 改行 改行の前に半角スペース` `を2つ記述します。 ```
``` hoge
fuga piyo ## Blockquotes 引用 先頭に`&gt;`を記述します。ネストは`&gt;`を多重に記述します。 ```
&gt; 引用 &gt; 引用
&gt;&gt; 多重引用
``` &gt; 引用 &gt; 引用
&gt;&gt; 多重引用 ## Code コード `` `バッククオート` `` 3つ、あるいはダッシュ`~`3つで囲みます。 ```
print 'hoge'
``` ```
print 'hoge'
``` ### インラインコード `` `バッククオート` `` で単語を囲むとインラインコードになります。 ```
これは `インラインコード`です。
``` これは `インラインコード`です。 ## pre 整形済みテキスト 半角スペース4個もしくはタブで、コードブロックをpre表示できます ``` class Hoge def hoge print 'hoge' end end
``` class Hoge def hoge print 'hoge' end end ## Hr 水平線 アンダースコア`_` 、アスタリスク`*`、ハイフン`-`などを3つ以上連続して記述します。 ```
``` hoge
--- # Lists ## Ul 箇条書きリスト ハイフン`-`、プラス`+`、アスタリスク`*`のいずれかを先頭に記