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Enable & Using vGPU Passthrough

This gist is almost entirely not unlike Derek Seaman's awesome blog:

Proxmox VE 8: Windows 11 vGPU (VT-d) Passthrough with Intel Alder Lake

As such please refer to that for pictures, here i will capture the command lines I used as i sequence the commands a little differently so it makes more logic to me.

This gists assumes you are not running ZFS and are not passing any other PCIE devices (as both of these can require addtional steps - see Derek's blog for more info)

This gist assumes you are not running proxmox in UEFI Secure boot - if you are please refer entirely to dereks blog.

ruvnet /
Last active April 25, 2024 21:10
Sentient Systems: A Declarative Approach to Cognitive Architecture for Embodied Intelligence

Sentient Systems Architecture (SSA): Unlocking Embodied Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved rapidly, with language models like GPT-4 capturing attention. However, the real future of AI lies in embodied intelligence—systems that can interact with the physical world through robotics and sensory perception. Unlike disembodied language models that operate in digital spaces, embodied AI must navigate complex environments, interpret sensory data, and perform physical tasks. This shift towards embodied intelligence opens the door to groundbreaking applications and significant economic impact.

Unique Challenges of Embodied Intelligence

Developing embodied AI systems is far more complex than working with traditional language models. Embodied agents need to:

Adapt to ever-changing real-world conditions.

PurpleVibe32 / vmwk17key.txt
Last active April 25, 2024 21:09
Free VMware Workstation Pro 17 full license keys
Install VMWare Workstation PRO 17 (Read it right. PRO!)
Also, these keys might also work with VMWare Fusion 13 PRO. Just tested it.
Sub to me on youtube pls - PurpleVibe32
if you want more keys - call my bot on telegram. @purector_bot (THE BOT WONT REPLY ANYMORE) - Or: - the password in the zip is 102me.
This gist can get off at any time.
*If you have a problem comment and people will try to help you!
*No virus
Sh4yy / clx.go
Created April 25, 2024 20:39
Generate CLI commands for common tasks.
package main
import (
gustavohenrique /
Last active April 25, 2024 21:06
Basic commands to run LXD containers


sudo snap install lxd && lxd init


lxd init --preseed <<EOF
peteradeojo / model.ts
Created April 25, 2024 21:04
Create API-safe responses with mongoose toJSON()
// model.ts
import mongoose, { Schema } from 'mongoose';
const schema = new Schema({
//...schema definition
schema.methods.toJSON = function() {
// ... compute some data to go along with your response
SwiftedMind / route.tsx
Created November 11, 2023 17:29
Request Validation in Next.js
import { ZodError, z } from "zod";
interface RequestBody {
name: string;
const RequestBody = z.object({
name: z.string(),
Sp5rky / wingetinstall.ps1
Created October 7, 2023 00:32
Winget Installation
# Fetch the URI of the latest version of the winget-cli from GitHub releases
$latestWingetMsixBundleUri = $(Invoke-RestMethod | Where-Object { $_.EndsWith('.msixbundle') }
# Extract the name of the .msixbundle file from the URI
$latestWingetMsixBundle = $latestWingetMsixBundleUri.Split('/')[-1]
# Show a progress message for the first download step
Write-Progress -Activity 'Installing Winget CLI' -Status 'Downloading Step 1 of 2'
# Temporarily set the ProgressPreference variable to SilentlyContinue to suppress progress bars
victorsenam /
Last active April 25, 2024 21:03
Dicionário básico de Git e GitHub para iniciantes

Dicionário Git e GitHub

Os conceitos vão ser apresentados da forma mais básica possível para que se possa entender a ideia primordial do software. Os comandos serão baseados num terminal UNIX. Ou seja, funcionarão em linux e mac.

Links interessantes


O repositório é a pasta do projeto. Todo repositório tem uma pasta oculta .git. Isso é o que mostra para o git e para você que existe um repositório naquela pasta.

kuanghan /
Last active April 25, 2024 21:02
Install NVIDIA driver & CUDA inside an LXC container running Ubuntu 16.04

Installing NVIDIA Driver & CUDA inside an LXC container running Ubuntu 16.04 on a neuroscience computing server.

Introduction: I was trying to run some neuroscience image processing commands that uses NVIDIA GPU. The challenge is that most of our computation will be run inside an LXC container running Ubuntu 16.04 (the host runs Ubuntu 16.04 as well). Installing the NVIDIA driver on the host is not so hard, but doing it inside the LXC container is much more challenging.

I already have an unprivileged container running, so I will not repeat the steps to create an LXC container here.

Our graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.

Here are the main steps: