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banaslee / XGH - en.txt
Last active April 24, 2024 22:00
eXtreme Go-Horse Process
eXtreme Go Horse (XGH) Process
1. I think therefore it's not XGH.
In XGH you don't think, you do the first thing that comes to your mind. There's not a second option as the first one is faster.
2. There are 3 ways of solving a problem: the right way, the wrong way and the XGH way which is exactly like the wrong one but faster.
XGH is faster than any development process you know (see Axiom 14).
xl7dev / VMwareFusion_Export_ovf.txt
Last active April 24, 2024 21:52
HowTo Export a VM in OVA format in VMware Fusion for OS X
> cd /Applications/VMware OVF Tool
> ./ovftool --acceptAllEulas /Users/marco/Documents/Virtual\ Machines.localized/Windows\ 8.1\ x64.vmwarevm/Windows\ 8.1\ x64.vmx /Users/marco/Desktop/Win81.ova
openssl.exe smime -verify -noverify -in IT01004999999_0FKD3.xml.p7m -inform DER -out IT01004999999_0FKD3.xml
0xdevalias /
Last active April 24, 2024 21:46
Some notes and tools for reverse engineering / deobfuscating / unminifying obfuscated web app code
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
tomasevich /
Last active April 24, 2024 21:46 — forked from beeman/
Удалить/очистить все данные Докера (контейнеры, образы, тома и сети)

Удалить/очистить все данные Докера (контейнеры, образы, тома и сети)

Одной строкой

docker stop $(docker ps -qa) && docker rm $(docker ps -qa) && docker rmi -f $(docker images -qa) && docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q) && docker network rm $(docker network ls -q)

Описание команд

mdipirro / bluez-agent-interface.xml
Created March 28, 2020 13:54
An XML document describing a BlueZ Agent
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<interface name="org.bluez.Agent1">
<method name="Release" />
<method name="RequestPinCode">
<arg direction="in" type="o" />
<arg direction="out" type="s" />
<method name="DisplayPinCode">

A metatable can be defined like

local t = setmetatable({}, {
  __tostring = function() return 'custom tostring behavior!' end

Here are the metamethods that you can define, and their behavior


kgriffs / string_util.lua
Created May 27, 2020 17:41
Lua string utilities (contains, startswith, endswith, replace, insert)
function string:contains(sub)
return self:find(sub, 1, true) ~= nil
function string:startswith(start)
return self:sub(1, #start) == start
function string:endswith(ending)