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nafiesl /
Created December 20, 2023 11:49
How to get Telegram Bot Chat ID

How to get Telegram Bot Chat ID

Create a Telegram Bot and get a Bot Token

  1. Open Telegram application then search for @BotFather
  2. Click Start
  3. Click Menu -> /newbot or type /newbot and hit Send
  4. Follow the instruction until we get message like so
    Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at
erratir / groupBy.js
Last active April 27, 2024 03:08
Group array of objects by object key
* Group array of objects by object key
* Example:
const pets = [
{ type:"Dog", name:"Bobik", skills: { canBite: true } },
{ type:"Cat", name:"Tiger", skills: { canBite: true } },
{ type:"Dog", name:"Tuzik", skills: { canBite: true } },
{ type:"Cat", name:"Leopold", skills: { canBite: false } }
erratir / utils.js
Last active April 27, 2024 03:07
Функция обертка для кеширования результатов вызова функции
// Функция обертка для кеширования результатов вызова функции
const cache = new Map()
const cached = (fn, fnName = '') => {
if (fnName)`Результат выполнения функции '${fnName}' будет закэширован`);
return async (...params) => {
const key = params.toString()
if (!cache.has(key) ) {
console.log('функция будет выполнена')
spalladino /
Created December 22, 2015 13:47
Backup and restore a mysql database from a running Docker mysql container
# Backup
docker exec CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=root DATABASE > backup.sql
# Restore
cat backup.sql | docker exec -i CONTAINER /usr/bin/mysql -u root --password=root DATABASE
aamiaa /
Last active April 27, 2024 03:02
Complete Recent Discord Quest

Complete Recent Discord Quest


This no longer works in browser!


This no longer works if you're alone in vc! Somebody else has to join you!

How to use this script:

  1. Accept the quest under User Settings -> Gift Inventory
brenopolanski /
Last active April 27, 2024 03:00
Merge multiple PDFs using Ghostscript

A simple Ghostscript command to merge two PDFs in a single file is shown below:

gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=combine.pdf -dBATCH 1.pdf 2.pdf

Install Ghostscript:

Type the command sudo apt-get install ghostscript to download and install the ghostscript package and all of the packages it depends on.

holtgrewe / thread_safe_queue.cpp
Created January 31, 2014 09:07
A simple thread-safe queue implementation based on std::list<> and C++11 threading primitives.
// A simple thread-safe queue implementation based on std::list<>::splice
// after a tip in a talk by Sean Parent of Adobe.
// Uses standard library threading and synchronization primitives together
// with a std::list<> container for implementing a thread-safe queue. The
// only special thing is that the queue uses std::list<>::splice in the
// locked region to minimize locked time.
// Also implements a maximal size and can thus be used as a buffer between
// the elements in a pipeline with limited buffer bloat.
taskylizard /
Last active April 27, 2024 02:54
/r/freemediaheckyeah, in one single file (view raw)
mygoare / dns
Created April 15, 2015 04:11
public dns list
- Google DNS: `` ``
- OpenDNS: `` ``
- OpenNIC: ``(Japan) ``(Singapore) ``(Korea)
- Comodo Secure DNS: `` ``
- Norton DNS: `` ``
- Norton ConnectSafe DNS: `` ``
pmhieu111 / risc-zero-stark-to-snark-prover_attestation.log
Created April 26, 2024 17:58
Attestation for RISC Zero STARK-to-SNARK Prover MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm pmhieu111-54319153 and I have contributed to the RISC Zero STARK-to-SNARK Prover MPC Phase2 Trusted Setup ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (stark_verify)
Contributor # 148
Contribution Hash: 6dc39ed5 f4fd739c 7b7ab37e 8f14b87c
645d496c 8ab780e1 947090f0 519dda69
15bd9d2e 2a2d5a22 db3eab8d dbf2efa2
f8b91c04 a8301777 6f98c2a6 3ac918f8