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Athari / App.xaml.cs
Created July 26, 2016 19:06
AwaitableCommandExample by Vlad@RuSO
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace AwaitableCommandExample
public partial class App
protected override async void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
lornajane /
Last active April 19, 2024 16:15
Keyboard Only OS X

Keyboard-only Mac Cheatsheet

Hi, I'm Lorna and I don't use a mouse. I have had RSI issues since a bad workstation setup at work in 2006. I've tried a number of extra hardware modifications but what works best for me is to use the keyboard and only the keyboard, so I'm in a good position and never reaching for anything else (except my coffee cup!). I rather unwisely took a job which required me to use a mac (I've been a linux user until now and also had the ability to choose my tools carefully) so here is my cheatsheet of the apps, tricks and keyboard shortcuts I'm using, mostly for my own reference. Since keyboard-only use is also great for productivity, you may also find some of these ideas useful, in which case at least something good has come of this :)

Apps List

There's more detail on a few of these apps but here is a quick overview of the tools I've installed and found helpful

Tool Link Comments
OrionReed / dom3d.js
Last active April 19, 2024 16:15
3D DOM viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM topographically.
// 3D Dom viewer, copy-paste this into your console to visualise the DOM as a stack of solid blocks.
// You can also minify and save it as a bookmarklet (
(() => {
const SHOW_SIDES = false; // color sides of DOM nodes?
const COLOR_SURFACE = true; // color tops of DOM nodes?
const COLOR_RANDOM = false; // randomise color?
const COLOR_HUE = 190; // hue in HSL (
const MAX_ROTATION = 180; // set to 360 to rotate all the way round
const THICKNESS = 20; // thickness of layers
const DISTANCE = 10000; // ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
ixahmedxi / init.vim
Created January 2, 2024 20:46
vscode neovim init.vim
" packadd quickscope
" execute 'luafile ' . stdpath('config') . '/lua/settings.lua'
function! s:manageEditorSize(...)
let count = a:1
let to = a:2
for i in range(1, count ? count : 1)
call VSCodeNotify(to == 'increase' ? 'workbench.action.increaseViewSize' : 'workbench.action.decreaseViewSize')
ixahmedxi / keybindings.json
Created January 2, 2024 20:46
Vscode neovim keybindings.json
"command": "vscode-neovim.compositeEscape1",
"key": "j",
"when": "neovim.mode == insert && editorTextFocus",
"args": "j"
"command": "vscode-neovim.compositeEscape2",
"key": "k",
wareya / spi_recorder.ino
Last active April 19, 2024 16:12
long SPI message recorder - rasberry pi pico (rp2040), arduino IDE .ino file (C++)
// wiring example for ripping a PMW3360 SROM:
// set the board to 240mhz or higher for best results (WARNING: higher than 240mhz only works with USB if you overvolt the MCU)
// this implements reading SPI mode 3. if you want a different mode, you need to edit these two lines:
// uint32_t clockval = (1 << pin_clock);
// if (newclock && !clockval && buff_i < buffsize)
#include <pico/stdlib.h>
#define buffsize 50000
mwufi /
Last active April 19, 2024 16:10
Install Docker in Google Colab!
# First let's update all the packages to the latest ones with the following command
sudo apt update -qq
# Now we want to install some prerequisite packages which will let us use HTTPS over apt
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -qq
# After that we will add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to the system
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
# We will add the Docker repository to our APT sources
TreyCai /
Last active April 19, 2024 16:10
Recommanded Mac OS X Apps
TODO: Add price informations
TODO: Add App Store Addresses

System Tools


One browser for your computer, phone and tablet

aamiaa /
Last active April 19, 2024 16:05
Complete Discord Mokoko Quest

Complete Discord Mokoko Quest

How to use this script:

  1. Accept the quest under User Settings -> Gift Inventory
  2. Join a vc
  3. Stream any window (can be notepad or something)
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to open DevTools
  5. Go to the Console tab
  6. Paste the following code and hit enter:
let wpRequire;
mattiaslundberg / Ansible Let's Encrypt Nginx setup
Last active April 19, 2024 16:03
Let's Encrypt Nginx setup with Ansible
Ansible playbook to setup HTTPS using Let's encrypt on nginx.
The Ansible playbook installs everything needed to serve static files from a nginx server over HTTPS.
The server pass A rating on [SSL Labs](
To use:
1. Install [Ansible](
2. Setup an Ubuntu 16.04 server accessible over ssh
3. Create `/etc/ansible/hosts` according to template below and change to your domain
4. Copy the rest of the files to an empty directory (`playbook.yml` in the root of that folder and the rest in the `templates` subfolder)